As everyone knows by now, Lil Suzy has given birth to her second child and is taking some time off. She will be returning to the stage in Spring 2010 and La'Entertainment is currently taking tour dates for her shows. She will also be returning to the stage with S.A.L. (Lil Suzy, Angel the Original Cover Girl and Lisette Melendez). Club and event promoters can also book this fantastic trio now for 2010!
Last week, Lil Suzy uploaded the first pic of her new bundle of joy on facebook with the caption:
"Marc Anthony at 4 wks old. We are still waiting for him to grow some eyebrows! lmao!" She also says: "Everything is fabulous! Just waiting another 3 weeks for my doctor to tell me I can work out again and I should be ready to start traveling and performing by spring!"
For some reason, many folks on You Tube, Myspace and other social networks believe the song "In A Dream" is by Lil Suzy, even to the point where they create Lil Suzy fan megamix videos including the song. The song "In a Dream" was never sung or recorded by Lil Suzy. It was a hit single that was released in 1997 by fellow freestyle and dance music artist Rockell. Fans often leave comments saying "Hi Suzy, I love your 'In A Dream' song." How that started is a mystery. The song was originally recorded by a girl group called, 'Emotion in Motion', then by Freestyle artist Josette and then by Rockell. Above is Rockell's CD single cover and below are links to finally prove that "In a Dream" (which is a really great song, by the way) is not Lil Suzy's song.