Friday, December 25, 2015

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Wear your stretchy pants and enjoy! Calories don't count today.

A photo posted by Suzanne (Lil Suzy) (@lilsuzy79) on

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Monday, November 23, 2015

Getting in the Christmas Spirit...

Getting in the Christmas spirit!! My crew. #mamasuzy

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Monday, November 2, 2015

Photo Flashback: Little Suzy and Mom

Me and my mom. Don't I look thrilled? I was 7 or 8.. 1987ish #tbt

A photo posted by Suzanne (Lil Suzy) (@lilsuzy79) on

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Saturday, October 31, 2015

Have A Very Happy Halloween!!

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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Instagram Photos of Lil Suzy Backstage @ Super Freestyle Explosion Oct. 10th...

Finished my set! Thx for a great show #elpaso I'm going back to my hotel to chillax

A photo posted by Suzanne (Lil Suzy) (@lilsuzy79) on

Back stage. #elpaso #superfreestyleexplosion

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My space ship has landed.. El Paso I'm ready!!

A photo posted by Suzanne (Lil Suzy) (@lilsuzy79) on

Ok El Paso! I'm here!!!! Get to the show early or you'll miss me!! #superfreestyleexplosion show starts exactly 7:30

A photo posted by Suzanne (Lil Suzy) (@lilsuzy79) on

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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

This Saturday, October 10th! Lil Suzy @ Super Freestyle Explosion in El Paso, Texas!

Visit for more upcoming shows!

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Message from Lil Suzy: Support Breast Cancer Awareness Month - Kathy Phillips New Single for a Great Cause!

Hello Everyone! πŸ˜€ I have some more exciting news to share with you. 😊 It was announced yesterday at the CIBC Run for the Cure. <3 I have teamed up with the legendary Al Kasha who has won 2 Oscars for his songwriting. πŸ† I am beyond excited to release the single πŸ’œ"Closer than a Prayerβ€πŸ’œ for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. πŸ’œ All profits from the sale of this single will be donated to Breast Cancer Research. I am a 3 yr. Breast Cancer Survivor and have been very active in raising funds and awareness for this terrible disease. Please share this post, purchase the single, spread the love and help me make a difference in a cause that is so close to my heart. <3 Thank you so much! XO πŸ’œ THE LINK TO MY SINGLE IS IN MY BIO πŸ’œπŸ‘†πŸ»#runforthecure2015 #breastcancerawareness #thinkpink #breastcancersurvivor

A photo posted by Kathy Phillips (@kathyphillipsmusic) on

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Monday, October 5, 2015

Avenue Nightclub Pics and Vids of Lil Suzy October 3rd...

LIL SUZY Sat Oct 3rd Sold Out Avenue Nightclub

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LIL SUZY Up Close and Personal With Her Fans! Avenue Nightclub #lilsuzy #qeenoffreeystyle #freestyle #crowdpleaser @lilsuzy79

A video posted by Avenue Nightclub (@avenuenightclub) on

#repost #Tampa #superfreestyleexplosion

A video posted by Suzanne (Lil Suzy) (@lilsuzy79) on

Thx! @sigmadeltahomevideo

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#fallinginlove #canada #rp @sigmadeltahomevideo

A video posted by Suzanne (Lil Suzy) (@lilsuzy79) on

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Sunday, October 4, 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

More Lil Suzy Pics From Super Freestyle Explosion 2015...

#superfreestyleexplosion2015 #tampa #lilsuzy #wild941 September 19th

A photo posted by Suzanne (Lil Suzy) (@lilsuzy79) on

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Monday, September 14, 2015

Lil Suzy Pics from Harrahs Philadelphia Casino on Sept 5th...

A photo posted by Suzanne (Lil Suzy) (@lilsuzy79) on

A photo posted by Suzanne (Lil Suzy) (@lilsuzy79) on

A photo posted by Suzanne (Lil Suzy) (@lilsuzy79) on

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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Lil Suzy Vids from History of Freestyle Music 2015...

A video posted by Suzanne (Lil Suzy) (@lilsuzy79) on

A video posted by Suzanne (Lil Suzy) (@lilsuzy79) on

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Friday, September 11, 2015

Never Forget...

A photo posted by Suzanne (Lil Suzy) (@lilsuzy79) on

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Friday, August 28, 2015

Lil Suzy and Crystal Waters Live at Harrah's Philadelphia!

Come see Lil Suzy and Crystal Waters perform live at Harrah's Philadelphia Casino and Racetrack in Chester, Pennsylvania on Saturday, September 5th! You must be 21 or older to attend. Doors open at 8pm. Tickets can be purchased through Ticketmaster.

Lil Suzy Trivia: Crystal Waters was featured on the dance track "Love Letter Lost" from Lil Suzy's 4th album "Paradise" in 1997.

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Thursday, August 27, 2015

This Saturday...

This Saturday!!! Chicago!! Concord Music Hall πŸ˜‰

A photo posted by Suzanne (Lil Suzy) (@lilsuzy79) on

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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Lil Suzy on Stage - Pics from Club Milano in San Jose...

#rp #lilsuzy #sanjose #clubmilano

A photo posted by Suzanne (Lil Suzy) (@lilsuzy79) on

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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Lil Suzy Pics from San Jose, California...

A photo posted by Suzanne (Lil Suzy) (@lilsuzy79) on

A photo posted by Suzanne (Lil Suzy) (@lilsuzy79) on
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Friday, August 14, 2015

Friday, July 31, 2015

Photo Flashback: History of Freestyle Music Past Shows

Cynthia, Lil Suzy, Stevie B, Brenda K. Starr and Safire 
at History of Freestyle Music past show. 

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History of Freestyle Music 2015 Promos - Lil Suzy, The Cover Girls and More

HISTORY OF FREESTYLE 2015 The #1 Freestyle Event in Chicago! Tickets are selling fast!! I

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LIL SUZY"s message to Chicago! Get Ready for the Biggest Freestyle Show of the Year! HISTORY OF FREESTYLE MUSIC 2015 Sat Aug 29th Concord Music Hall

A video posted by HISTORY OF FREESTYLE MUSIC (@historyoffreestylemusic) on

THE ORIGINAL COVER GIRLS message to Chicago! Get your tickets today.

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Monday, July 27, 2015

Lil Suzy, The Cover Girls, Safire, George Lamond, K7 & T.K.A. and White Knight @ History of Freestyle Music Event 2015!


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Lil Suzy on Her Husband Marc...

My husband of almost 10yrs #mcm this guy!!!!! I can't even.. He is just amazing in so many ways. A true classic gentleman. What attracted me to him, you wonder? We met when I was 16 and he was 19 through a mutual friend. He was calm, quiet and reserved. I dated a couple other boys b4 him. They just wanted to say they were dating "lil Suzy" and be seen with me at my shows. My Marc... Had his own thing going on. Always a hard worker. Doing his own thing. He didn't have the desire, nor the time, to be consumed in my business life. He just wanted ME.. SUZANNE. Never jealous, quietly supportive of all I chose to take on in my life. I may give a wink and accept a compliment here and there lol.... But he knows and I know, there is no one better for me than him. I'm so proud of the successful man he's become, all while giving my children and I a blessed and easy life. We are night and day, personality wise but the main thing, What makes it work? I didn't marry a "fan" ( And I don't mean that in a snotty way) AND Morals! We grew up similarly and share the same morals and beliefs. Being together 10yrs before getting married, you know how you're going to raise your family... You know the plans for the future and what's expected of both partners to make it work. So even though knowing he'll never see this ( he's against social media) πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I just had to brag about him a little. He's sooo funny. A hands on dad, attentive husband and just all around good guy. He's loved me skinny, chunky, pregnant and huge 3x in 5 yrs. sad, crabby, overwhelmed, sick... He always makes me feel beautiful. Always makes me feel like I'm enough just the way I am. And when it all comes down to it, his opinion of me and the woman I am, is all that matters. πŸ’–πŸ’žPlus he's tall and bald!!! Lol... 😍😍😍

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